Antisocial Media

“In 2008, a massive uptick in the number of young people who are on social media.

What does this do?

It messes up your brain is what it does.

If you want to be happy, you need love.

If you have love, it means that you have a hormone in your brain, a neuropeptide that functions as a hormone called oxytocin.

It only comes from eye contact and touch.

It does not come from virtual interaction.

It doesn’t come from Zoom.

It doesn’t come from social media.

It doesn’t come from the warm feeling that you get on a dating app; on the contrary.

Social media is the junk food of social life.

And so people are getting lonelier.”

~ Arthur Brooks, Harvard professor, PhD social scientist, #1 bestselling author, and columnist at The Atlantic. He specialises in providing people with actionable strategies to live their best lives, based on cutting-edge research in social science and neuroscience, as well as philosophy and wisdom traditions.

Photo by Hugh Han on Unsplash

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