A Little Bit of Something

This is going to be a quickie post, based on the premise that a little bit of something is better than a lot of nothing!

I can’t say exactly where this began. Exactly what cause led to what effect, which then put another cause into action. I find, since I increased and strengthened the primary Buddhist practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, that so many little beneficial things happen that trying to lay them out in an orderly fashion in my mind is like trying to control butterflies.

So here we go with a couple of today’s thought processes.

Resistance (which I have a lifetime of practising) is the same as freezing, in the sense of fight, flight or freeze. Call it resistance, call it procrastination, call it avoidance. It’s all a form of freezing, of becoming a frightened deer caught in the headlights of life.

However, this morning I decided that I’ve had enough of picking on myself and putting pressure on myself about all the things I’m not doing. Instead, I decided to trust myself that I will be able to do them, so long as I continue and persist with two important and crucial fundamental practices.

One is my daily practice and study of Buddhism. The other is something called Innercising, which entails listening to digital recordings made by John Assaraf to help change the programming in the subconscious mind. Actually, both of these practices help change the programming in the subconscious mind, so they complement each other beautifully!

I also thought last week that rather than not write and post at all because I no longer have the time to do it “perfectly,” I can write short pieces instead and not be so overly concerned about perfectionism. However, I couldn’t bring myself to put that idea into practice.

Until right now.

So apparently it’s true: I can trust myself that I will be able to take action so long as I continue and persist with Buddhism and Innercising. 🙂

And if this small sharing encourages anyone in any shape or form, I will be a very happy camper. ❤

Photo by Shiebi AL on Unsplash

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